Units produce 18-150 gpm of high quality, odor free water for use in self-serve, automatic, touch less and full tunnel car washes. Standard models are designed to operate as 100% wash reclaims, with minimal fresh water for final rinses and make-up to Compensate for carry-out and evaporation.
All models are ideal for keeping costs down where water and sewer costs are high and rising. Standard units coupled with our Deionization tanks are ideal for locations where no sewers are accessible and zero discharge is the rule.
· Pre-wired, pre-piped and skid mounted, with low level and make-up controls for underground tanks as standard
*(Settling tanks provided by others.
· Quiet, energy efficient, self-priming centrifugal pump with pressure switch and gages to operate pump on demand.
· Centrifugal separator to pre-filter heavier than water sediment and sand, with automatic flushing of solids for maintenance free operation.
· Duplex backwashing filtration for efficient removal of
· particulate down to 5 microns with automatic backwashing via clean water from stand-by filter and vise-versa, using actuated ball valves for positive control and corrosion resistant fiberglass vessels for unsurpassed filtration
· High capacity stainless steel filter vessels for positive removal down to 5 microns.
· Automatic self-priming chemical feed pumps for supply of biological chemical to system.
Continuous duty blower to provide oxygen to system to maintain aerobic conditions to prevent odor.